carbon capture & storage

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Folks - trying a new format for today’s newsletter.

First, you’ll find facts and a description of one market - the Carbon Capture and Storage market.

Next, I present 3 startups that operate in that market - Concrete4change, Equatic, and 44.01.

Lastly, I give you links to help you with your go to market strategy and making your pitch deck.

Let me know what you think of this version of Klondike by replying to this email.


The Carbon Capture and Storage Market

The numbers (from Vantage Market Research)

  • Market size in 2022 = $2.1B

  • Market size in 2030 = $7.5B

  • Compound annual growth rate = 19.9%

Stuff you should know about this market

Carbon is the building block of life.

We release it when we exhale and when we burn fossil fuels (in the form of carbon dioxide). Plants and trees use it to grow.

Safe to say, carbon is everywhere in some form or another. Take carbon dioxide.

NASA says it’s a greenhouse gas that heats our planet.

Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising. We’re burning more coal and gas. We have more wildfires. Volcanos are erupting (although that’s happening at a normal rate).

Enter Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS).

CCS is a process that takes carbon from the air and puts it somewhere so it won't go back into the atmosphere.

This process happens naturally and through technologies that we’re developing.

Turns out, Plants, trees, and fungi are all pretty good at taking carbon from the air. So are oceans and certain rocks. But the natural process is happening less. There are fewer plants, trees, and fungi.

Why? Humans.

Now, since the planet is warming, we’re looking at ways to pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

CCS technologies capture, transport, and store CO2. This mitigates the impact of greenhouse gases on climate change.

Will CCS make a difference?

The public, and scientists, seem cynical about it.

Some believe it’s how oil companies will extend their lifetimes. Some believe the whole thing’s a scam. The International Institute for Sustainable Development does not see CCS as a net zero for Canada’s oil and gas sector. Even David Suzuki says it’s not a real solution.

At the end of the day, I remain optimistic. We’ll find a way to pull carbon from the atmosphere because we have to.

Now, onto the companies in this market.

The startups

Concrete4change captures CO2 and stores it forever by mineralizing it into concrete. This creates leakproof concrete that’s 20 percent stronger than normal.

Equatic turns seawater into energy while removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Time named them one of the best inventions of 2023.

44.01 removes CO2 from the atmosphere by mineralizing it in peridote. They’re accelerating what Oman’s special rocks are already doing.

  • Pitch deck help: Check out Sequoia’s pitch deck template here.

  • Go to market help: Check out this guide on how to use Reddit to get B2B leads.

  • Klondike’s Fundraise Database: Click here for access.

  • Klondike’s Job Board Database: Click here to access.

Happy panning, 
David Riley
Chief Batea

Know a founder keen to be in Klondike? Introduce us at [email protected]